Wednesday, December 20

93. Heineken (Holland)
94. Serges (Portugal)

The annual Disney Christmas party, an event that can't be missed, by nearly half of the staff. This year they were touting the return of the open bar, but as the clock ticked down till 2007, I knew I needed to get some brews in me.

When we arrived, I went over an got a Heineken, one of the none rare beers I left for such an occasion. I love Heineken, especially with wings. Mmmm Heineken and wings! There was this "mentalist" walking through the crowd, he did some freaky shit. With only one beer in me, I knew that my mind was being blown and that I could still drive. After we eventually headed over to a table, and I picked up another beer at the bar, it was a Portuguese beer called Serges. It was pretty average, I guess the official beer of most countries is basically the Budweiser of fill in the blank country.


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