Wednesday, November 15

79. Faxe 10%- extra Strong Beer (Denmark)
80. Ztoty Kur (Poland)
81. Hair of the Dog - Doggie Claws (US)
82. Sam Adams Scotch Ale (US)
83. Bar Harbor Blueberry Ale (US)
84. Flying Dog- Dogotoberfest (US)

So I'm playing catch up with my posts. These beers were mostly drunk during the middle of November so I'll use the date November 15th. Even though most were drunk before that. Faxe is that bizarre Viking beer I drank last year with Dave. But this is a 10% version that I bought in Canada, and sadly that was the last of the Canadian beers. Unlike the other one which came in a huge can, this wa s a normal sized can, but was all black. The beer itself was strong, but not as strong as other high alcohol content beers I've had.

Hair of the Dog and the Sam Adams scotch ale were the two worst beers I drank all year. They tasted rancid and almost wine like. And I hate wine.

Like the other blueberry beer I had the bar Harbor was very disappointing. It was too bubbly and too sweet.


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